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Lesson Feedback Record exemplar (primary)

The content below provides examples for filling in the blank Lesson Feedback Record when observing a lesson taught by a St Mary's trainee primary teacher.

Find out more about the Lesson Feedback Record in the Weekly requirements for Mentors video on the Mentor training page. You can download a full Word version of this exemplar by clicking the button below.

Lesson Feedback Record exemplar

Targets (set in Weekly Training Record)

1. Use mini penaries to address misconceptions and guide learning.

When researching the lesson, anticipate content which the children may find confusing and plan for effective questioning during mini-plenaries to check understanding.

2. To minimise low level disruption during PE lessons.

Model behaviour that matches the tasks I am asking of the children (whisper voices/ partner voices/ collaborative group roles/ listening ears etc). When stopping the class, ensure children are not talking over me and ask them to put down any equipment.

3. Use lesson time effectively.

Allocate specific timings for the segments of my lesson on the lesson plans. Set a timer so children do not remain on the carpet for too long at the start of lessons.

Evaluation of impact on learning

1. Quality of classroom environment and classroom expectations, including behaviour (S1 and S7):

This section enables observers to evaluate the extent to which this aspect of the lesson has had a positive impact on pupil learning. It is useful to see this as a series of statements which summarise cause and effect. For example:

Because you managed the start of the lesson effectively, learning was purposeful from the outset.

Your expectations for the group work were not sufficiently clear and this undermined the intended learning.

Because xxx’s behaviour was not addressed early, he became increasingly off task.

2. Quality of Pupil Progress, Teaching and Adaptive Teaching (S2, S4 and S5):

Systematic use of the technical language identified in your planning embedded most key terms in the children’s vocabulary and enabled them to transfer these into subsequent talk-based tasks and/or writing.

Because your planning successfully built on prior learning and you made good use of time limits for each task, lesson time was used well to maximise learning.

Children were enthusiastic and engaged and the atmosphere was highly conducive to learning but did they fully understand the purpose of each activity?

Because phonemes were not always articulated correctly you did not always provide an appropriate model for the children.

3. Quality of Subject Knowledge (S3):

The mixed ability grouping worked well with peer support and peer teaching ensuring that all participants made progress.

Because of very effective modelling, all learners were able to follow instructions and move swiftly onto the written task.

Because the task was very prescriptive, some learners were not sufficiently challenged; they finished early but were not provided with further work.

xxx found the task impossible to access and did not learn effectively because his specific needs had not been met.

4. Quality of Assessment of and for Learning (S6):

Your questions challenged and targeted specific children (AfL) and you reiterated what children suggested and built on their responses justifying why you accepted or rejected their answers; this ensured learning of key concepts was consolidated.

Because of good use of the mini plenary after the group work, the class maintained a clear focus on the learning intentions and were fully aware of their progress.

5. Professional Behaviours (S8):

Because of effective planning and good use of time and resources most pupils demonstrated the learning outcomes but ensure that more able learners are challenged sufficiently.

Work in the pupils’ books shows that this lesson built successfully on prior learning and extended knowledge of this topic.

Overall strengths of the lesson (linked to targets)

This should summarise key strengths which had a positive impact on learning. For example:

  • Consistent use of preventative and re-orientation behaviour management tactics (moving around the class room; teacher voice; name dropping; clear explanations). Strong classroom presence.
  • Good use of AfL (e.g. collaboration; questioning; mini plenaries).
  • Strong delivery with clear explanations so children knew exactly what they had to do. The lesson was well prepared and resourced and children had everything to hand to enable prompt start to discussion / group work.

Key areas for development

This should summarise specific areas for development which will contribute to prioritising the targets agreed at the weekly meeting. For example:

  • Plan sufficient challenge for higher attaining learners so that they make expected progress.
  • Ensure sufficient time for a final plenary in order to discuss learning with pupils so that they know how well they have done and what they need to do to improve.
  • Make timely and effective interventions to maintain good behaviour rather than giving too many chances.