Our experience days give you the opportunity to find out more about St Mary's and the various courses we offer, whether before or after you apply.
You may have already attended a pre-application open event, during which you will have received an introduction to the University, but experience days have a more specific focus on what you can expect from St Mary's if you start your studies here in September.
You'll be shown around the campus by a current St Mary's student and will be able to meet academic tutors, who will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
We also provide sessions on student finance, and staff will be on hand throughout the day to address any other general queries you may have about Higher Education.
Full details and timetables are made available nearer to the date of each event.
Would you like to bring a group to one of our experience days?
If you are a teacher or advisor and would like to bring a group of your learners to one of our upcoming experience days, we would be happy to discuss tailoring our event to your learner's needs. For further information, please email schools.colleges@stmarys.ac.uk or call 020 8240 2314.