A Drama student from St Mary’s University College, Twickenham, has recently spent time as an extra, filming for the new Disney Muppet film, The Muppets...Again!, which is due to be released next year.
Second year Drama and Theatre Arts student Brónagh McAuley applied for the part earlier this year and, after being cast as an Irish audience member, spent a day filming in Pinewood Studios and a day on location in Richmond Theatre.
For the part, Brónagh had to wear the traditional Irish colours of green, orange and white. Her part saw her acting as an audience member for a theatre production with the Muppets.
Brónagh has already appeared in a number of theatre shows including Yerma which recently ran at the Drama St Mary’s Theatre, but this is her first film experience. She commented, “I grew up watching Disney films, including the Muppets, so I was absolutely over the moon when I found out I got the part in this new film. I was so excited I nearly knocked Miss Piggy over, it was great fun, I just couldn't stop smiling.”
The Muppets… Again! is due to be released in March 2014.
Drama St Mary’s Student Appears in New Muppet Film
A Drama student at St Mary’s University College, Twickenham, recently spent time as an extra, filming for the new Disney Muppet film, The Muppets...Again!