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Series of Irish Studies Seminars Successfully Launched at St Mary’s

Following the first MA seminar in Irish Studies at St Mary’s University College, Twickenham, Dr Ivan Gibbons is to give the second on Tuesday 21st May.

Following the success of the first MA seminar in Irish Studies at St Mary’s University College, Twickenham, in which Dr Keith Hopper delivered a fascinating lecture on acclaimed Irish Author Flann O’Brien, Dr Ivan Gibbons is to give the second seminar in the series on Tuesday 21st May. Dr Gibbons’ will give the lecture called “An Unlikely Leader; William T Cosgrave and the Foundation of the Irish Free State 1922-32”. In his seminar, Dr Gibbons will highlight the often neglected achievement of the first leader of independent Ireland who successfully navigated the fledgling Irish Free State out of the bloody chaos and anarchy of the Irish Civil War, into becoming one of the most stable parliamentary democracies in Europe, in less than 10 years. The series of free seminars have been organised as an opportunity for anyone who is considering joining the new MA in Irish Studies at St Mary’s in September. Dr Gibbons’ seminar will begin at 6pm, anyone interested in attending should register in advance with Kirsty Cox on Attendees will then be provided with some prior reading in advance of the seminar.

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