Drama students at St Mary’s University College, Twickenham, are to perform a new dark comedy on Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th April, called Beyond Cragporth Rock.
The story is set in a world with a broken down society run by wild, lawless and murderous gangs. This forces six sisters to run for their lives with only a few food stocks and possessions, heading towards the ‘end of the world’.
The play begins 10 years in the future, where the sisters are living in a tumble down cliff top cottage, clinging onto life on the cliff edge. Terrified about what’s going on outside their front door, they have been too scared to leave for the last decade.
Performed by MA Physical Theatre students, the play will reveal whether they can keep the horror at bay, or whether they succumb to what is outside.
Beyond Cragporth Rock is described as a “rich blend of storytelling, clowning, singing and daft dancing that will keep you guessing and giggling until the ridiculous end.”
The play will be performed on Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th April at 7.30pm in Drama St Mary’s Studio Three at St Mary’s Strawberry Hill campus and tickets are £5. For more information and to reserve tickets please visit the website.
Photos are available on the St Mary's Facebook Page.
St Mary’s Physical Theatre Students to Perform New Dark Comedy
Drama students at St Mary’s University College, Twickenham, are to perform Beyond Cragporth Rock on Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th April.