David Savill, Programme Director for MA Creative Writing: First Novel at St Mary’s University, Twickenham, has sold his debut novel to publisher Bloomsbury. The deal will see They are Trying to Break your Heart released simultaneously in the UK, United States and Canada.
Helen Garnon Williams, Publishing Director of Bloomsbury Fiction, said, “We are thrilled to have acquired this mesmerising and powerful debut novel, which weaves together the Bosnian war and the 2004 Tsunami in a compelling story of secrets and betrayal, loss and redemption.”
Agents Conville and Walsh describe David’s work as following in the footsteps of Graham Greene, John Le Carre and William Boyd, telling the stories of individuals caught up in an increasingly complex, globalised world.
David Savill said, “I hope the success of this sale will see the start of real connections between St Mary’s University and one of the world’s leading publishers of literary fiction. In Creative Writing, it is important to keep our students in touch with the reality of working with editors and agents and with the demands of publishing fiction today. Our Creative Writing: First Novel MA will benefit hugely.
“In a very commercial publishing environment, the subject matter of this book was not an easy sell, and it is a testament to Bloomsbury’s adventurousness and vision that we are working together today.”