From 28th to 29th November the School of Arts and Humanities at St Mary’s University, Twickenham will host an international conference in collaboration with the Nordic Association for Romantic Studies.
The conference, 'Norden/The North: Anglo-Nordic Exchanges 1700-1850', will bring together scholars from around the world to explore cultural dialogue between Britain and 'the North' across a range of diverse genres and areas of enquiries. It will throw new light on a comparatively unexplored aspect of British and Nordic Romanticisms whilst also documenting the earlier history of the current British fascination with all things Scandinavian.
Taking place at St Mary’s Strawberry Hill campus, the conference will be opened by the Danish ambassador to the UK and will welcome guest speakers Christoph Bode (Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich), Göran Rydén (Uppsala University) and Robert Rix (University of Copenhagen).
Tickets can be purchased for both days or individually. For details on prices, please email Cian Duffy at or for further information visit:
St Mary’s to Host Conference on Anglo-Nordic Exchanges
From 28th to 29th November St Mary’s University, Twickenham will host an international conference with the Nordic Association for Romantic Studies.