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British Nutrition Foundation (BNF) Healthy Eating Week

Between the 12th and 16th June its British Nutrition Foundation (BNF) healthy eating week. In support of BHF eat healthy week, we are encouraging everyone to take part and get involved, in the aim to promote a healthy and active lifestyle

Between the 12th and 16th June its British Nutrition Foundation (BNF) healthy eating week. In support of BHF eat healthy week, we are encouraging everyone to take part and get involved, in the aim to promote a healthy and active lifestyle. With a focus on healthy eating, drinking and physical activity, we are setting five challenges:

  • Eat Breakfast
  • Eat 5 A Day
  • Drink Plenty of Water
  • Get Active
  • Try Something New

Here are our top tips on how to step up to these challenges, and how to stick to them.

This is a great opportunity to take part in new challenges, in the aim to promote the importance of a healthy lifestyle. More information about BNF Healthy Eating Week can be found on the Food: A Fact of Life website here!

The Health and Wellbeing Services at St Mary’s University is a hub of excellence and innovation in the fields of nutrition, strength and conditioning, physiotherapy and rehab and many others. The services offer public courses and 1-to-1 sessions and advice across the sports and health industries. For more information on our nutrition services, please visit our website or contact us on 020 8240 4070 or email

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