St Mary's University, Twickenham, has formally launched its new Edinburgh campus in a boost for Catholic education in Scotland.
Guests, students, and staff attended Mass and a reception at the Gillis Centre last night (Wednesday) where courses begin today.

In his homily, Archbishop Cushley said, "We ask the Lord to bless this new venture abundantly.
"If it is the Lord’s will, we will have begun something that will, in the fulness of time, bring greater strength to Catholic education in our land, and to the greater glory of God."
After Mass, students got the chance to see the newly refurbished classrooms and chat with course leaders and St Mary's staff.

Guests included Bishop Joseph Toal (Motherwell Diocese) and Bishop Richard Moth (Arundel & Brighton Diocese), St Mary’s Chair of Governors at, as well as headteachers from local schools.
Bishop Moth said, "This is an important moment in the life of St Mary's and, we pray, in the life of Catholic Education in Scotland.
“It's a wonderful step forward to work with the Archdiocese in assisting the growth of theological study."

St Mary’s Vice-Chancellor Anthony McClaran said, "From the beginning there was an absolute understanding and a commitment between St Mary's and the Archdiocese that we would see this venture come to light.
"That's why it's wonderful to see it happening this evening as we launch St Mary's University here in Edinburgh."
To find out more visit stmarys.ac.uk/Edinburgh