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Onsite fitness and wellness activities

At St Mary's, we aim to prioritise the health and wellbeing of our employees. We believe that a healthy workforce is crucial for productivity, creativity, and overall job satisfaction. As part of our commitment to promoting a positive work environment, we have created this dedicated space to encourage and support the physical and mental well-being of our staff.

In this section, you will find a variety of on campus initiatives, aimed at helping you maintain a healthy lifestyle, both inside and outside of the workplace.

We understand that each individual's wellness journey is unique, and we encourage you to explore the resources available to find what works best for you.

Sport St Mary's

Sports St Mary's offers a wide range of activities and services to staff, many available at a discount. The offer currently includes:

  • low cost fitness classes lunchtime and evenings (includes Yoga, Pilates, Zumba, and more)
  • discounted gym membership
  • physiotherapy, sports massage, and rehabilitation.

Staff members can access a 20% discount on hot food, sandwiches, salads, and fruit at University cafes. Please note the discount can only be accessed through cashless dining.

There are a number of informal wellbeing groups and activities organised by staff volunteers. Email if you would like more information or to be put in touch with the group lead.

Wellbeing walks

St Mary's Mental Health First Aiders organise monthly lunchtime walks, which are an opportunity to take 30 minutes away from your desk, stretch your legs, get some fresh air, and chat with colleagues! Email to be added to the mailing list.

Five-a-side football

A group of staff play five-a-side football on Thursday evenings. Email to join or for more information. Please note there is a small fee to cover the cost of hiring the pitch.

Staff running group

A small group of staff have a running social every Wednesday lunchtime. They meet changed and ready to run at 12:40pm outside the main reception on campus, or sometimes on the track, and run around five - six kilometres at a conversational pace. The favourite route is a Bushy Park loop, but they also run along the river in Twickenham, down to Teddington Lock, and on the track. If you are interested or have any questions please email any of the regular runners:,,,,


Lunchtime badminton for staff is coming soon! Keep an eye on this page for details. Sessions will take place over lunchtime using facilities in Sport St Mary's.

We encourage staff to get together to exercise, using our sports facilities or green campus grounds. Contact us if you are interested in creating or joining a 'Staff Active Group'.

St Mary's Chaplaincy is open to both staff and students of all faiths and beliefs. Staff can attend any of the events or services, and take part in the annual 'Retreat in Daily Life' in February which offers spiritual direction that can be worked around your schedule.