“Thank God for sport. It has taught me to learn to live to love by enhancing my sense of belonging, believing and behaving”
Prof Mons Vladimir Felzmann, aka Father Vlad.
The SWIFT Research Centre; achieving valuable outcomes for young people by drawing on contemporary ideas and research to develop innovate thinking and action in sport, wellbeing, inclusion and faith.
The aims of the SWIFT Research Centre will be to:
- Produce research that supports the development of knowledge and applications in the areas of:
- The knowledge landscape and applied initiatives relating to life skills, developmental assets, character strengths and virtues for young people
- Teacher and coach awareness and experiences of holistic development of young people
- Education resources and programmes in life skills, character strengths and virtues for physical education teachers and coaches
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of interventions and applications in life skills, character and virtues with young people and with teachers and coaches
- Work with local, national and international communities and organisations to support young peoples’ life skills through informed programmes
- Train and support sports coaches to support the embedding of life skills, character and virtues into youth community coaching (thus extending the existing work by JP2F4S)
Pope Benedict XVI launched the John Paul 2 Foundation 4 Sport (JP2F4S) at St Mary’s University in September 2010. It became a Registered Charity [No.1144087] the following year.
JP2F4S is akin to a Trade Association as it inspires, motivates, enables and supports Sports Clubs to be conceived and grow; helping them to find funding while monitoring and mentoring their leadership to sustain the values of JP2F4S; encouraging them to communicate their achievements onto a wider stage.
Its vision: ‘The holistic education of young people through sport’. – adapted to changing circumstances.
Its mission: ‘To support schools and clubs by promoting a vision-based, values-driven approach to sport and physical education; enhancing the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual [PIES] growth of young people for the benefit of all.’ Virtues make values visible.
Seeing sport as a metaphor for life, JP2F4S is inspired by values and pedagogy dear to St John Paul II and the philosophy of education set out in the Bishops Conference [CBCEW] document Christ at the Centre.
It has motivated and inspired schools and parishes to take on board our programmes and set up sports clubs with our ethos and ethics, helping young people to fulfil their potential [John 10,10] as they develop their sense of identity and belonging while enhancing their character development.
Exercise improves not only concentration but also the ability to absorb information, education. Sport teaches self-discipline and that getting up is far more important than falling down. It also reduces obesity and improves social cohesion.
Underpinned by its philosophy of dreaming vast, starting small, growing fast, it has been seeking partnerships. In SMU, it has now found its ideal mate.
Mgr. Vladimir Felzmann, Founder-CEO, JP2F4S