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Sport facilities regulations 2023/24

1. Terms

1.1 ‘St Mary’s University’ of St Mary’s University, Waldegrave Road, Twickenham, London TW14SX. 

1.2 Sport St Mary’s (SSM): The sports department for St Mary’s University; management of sports facilities and services by the Sports Facilities Operational Team. 

1.3 Head of Sport: The Head of Sport St Mary's (SSM) appointed by St Mary's University; and other designated nominees employed to assist the Head of Sport in the discharge of functions; deputised by the Assistant Head of Sport. 

1.4 ‘Management/block bookings’: bookings for 10 or more sessions. 

1.5 ‘Casual one-off bookings’: bookings for one or up to 9sessions, over a maximum period of 4 weeks. 

1.6 'Hirer': refers to the person signing the booking/membership form and/or agreements, or making the casual booking. Where the person is signing the booking form on behalf of an organisation then the organisation is also considered as the hirer and shall be jointly and severally liable. In this case an individual that will be present for the booking must be designated as the responsible person.

2. Hire and Usage

2.1 To hire facilities and/or services, where relevant, booking request forms must be completed and returned to Sports Facilities Operational Team.

2.2 Where relevant, hire of facilities and/or services can only go ahead once confirmed in writing by a member of the Sports Facilities Operational Team. 

2.3 The Hirer must use only those facilities that have been booked and confirmed; and only for the purpose specified in the booking application. Any usage that falls outside of this will incur a charge (at the normal rate), added to the cost of the space originally booked. 

2.4 Sub-letting of sports facilities is not permitted; all bookings are personal to the Hirer concerned. 

2.5 The Hirer must ensure that all participants are students or staff or members of the local community in order to be eligible for the appropriate rate of hire, e.g., for a student recreational booking, all participants must be students. If this is not adhered to the appropriate level of charge will be made. 

2.6 Booking times should commence and conclude as booked and agreed. All bookings include a five-minute change-over period to set up/break down equipment. Bookings that run over will be charged at the appropriate price for every hour or part thereof. 

2.7 Academic programmes, student sport and contract bound organisations, including schools, have priority for bookings. Thereafter, no priority is given to bookings. 

2.8 The Hirer or appropriate representative must be in attendance throughout the booked period. 

2.9 Hirers utilising the sports facilities for sports fixtures or sessions are required to provide their own qualified first aider and first aid equipment.

2.10 Hirers utilising the sports facilities to deliver coached sessions must hold, as a minimum, a level 2 coaching qualification and public liability insurance specific to the activity. This should be provided to Sports St Mary’s at the time of booking and before confirmation. Courts booked for casual use only cannot be booked for private coaching sessions or for club / team sessions. All coached, club / team sessions will be considered a Management Booking and require pre-approval before the booking is confirmed.  

2.11 All regulations within the facilities and surrounding areas, including specific facility and/or activity rules, must be adhered to at all times by all Hirers. 

2.12 Use of tape, chalk or any other form of marker must not be used to provide additional line markings on any of the surfaces. 

2.13 All users should be suitably dressed to perform the activities they have booked. Footwear should be appropriate so as not to mark or damage the facility flooring. 

2.14 Bags and clothing should not be stored on any playing area for Health & Safety reasons. Lockers are provided for your use. Should no lockers be available equipment must be kept with you and stored in a way that it will not cause Health and Safety problems to yourself or others. 

2.15 The Assistant Head of Sport, or one of his/her nominees, reserves the right to refuse admission or to ask disorderly or improperly dressed persons to leave. It is at his/her discretion if this behaviour results in the termination of any access to the facilities. 

2.16 Any damage to facilities or equipment must be reported immediately to the Sports Facilities Operational Team. 

2.17 Smoking is not permitted anywhere inside, or near any entrances outside, all the facilities managed by SSM. 

2.18 No alcohol shall be brought in or consumed within the sports facilities. 

2.19 Food and drinks, other than drinks in approved sports drinking bottles, must not to be consumed in any of the sports facilities. 

2.20 The Hirer must place all rubbish in the bins provided.

3. Payment

3.1 Payment of all facility bookings are bound by St Mary's University Financial Regulations. 

3.2 A list of current charges is available from the Sports Facilities Operational Team. 

3.3 SSM reserves the right to change facility prices. Wherever possible, reasonable notice will be given. 

3.4 For management bookings, on receipt of the booking request form, an invoice will be raised and issued in advance of the booking for 50% of the total cost. The remaining amount will be invoiced part way through the management booking – the Hirer will be informed in advance of issue of the invoice. 

3.5 Management/block bookings are subject to the ‘Series of Lets of Sports and Leisure Facilities’ VAT legislation. This can be found at: 

3.6 Casual one-off bookings or bookings that are not considered management bookings must be paid in full at the time of the booking. Payments can be made in cash or with credit or debit cards. American Express and cheques are not accepted. 

3.7 The Hirer will be liable for all unpaid bookings. Failure to provide payment within St Mary’s University policies will result in all bookings being revoked. St Mary's University will pursue debt collection if full payment is not received within the stated time of invoicing. Future bookings will not be accepted until all debts are cleared.

4. Cancellation and Refunds

By the Hirer: 

4.1 For management/block bookings, cancellations must be requested in writing three weeks in advance of the booking where the Hirer will be reimbursed for the sum set out in the invoice. Cancellations made less than three weeks prior to the requested date, or with no notice, the Hirer will not be reimbursed. If cancellation is not within the Hirer’s control the cancellation procedure will be applied at the discretion of the Assistant Head of Sport. 

4.2 For casual one-off bookings, cancellations with more than 24 hours’ notice will be issued with a credit. This is applicable to the same activity and sports facility and must be used within one month from the point of cancellation. If cancellation takes place less than 24 hours in advance a credit will not be provided. It is the Hirer’s responsibility to inform staff that a credit is being used. A credit can only be used in one transaction. 

4.3 For Fitness & Conditioning Suite memberships, refunds will only be provided if a cancellation of membership occurs within the 14-day cooling-off period. SSM does not offer the option to freeze/suspend memberships. Any other cancellations or extensions may be granted if eligible, but must be requested in writing to the Sports Centre Manager. 

4.4 All refunds require authorisation from the Head of Sport and can take up to 28 days. 

4.5 Refunds will not be provided if a student or member of staff of St Mary’s University leaves. 


4.6 SSM reserves the right to cancel a booking if the facility is required by St Mary’s University or SSM and will endeavour to, where possible, provide 14 days’ notice.

4.7 In the event of snow or other extreme weather conditions it may be deemed, upon inspection by the Assistant Head of Sport, or one of his/her nominees, that certain outdoor activities are unsuitable to take place. 

4.8 SSM reserves the right to cancel or close the facilities for special events, maintenance work or for other circumstances beyond their control. SSM will make reasonable efforts to notify the Hirer as soon as possible in these circumstances. All charges paid for bookings affected by these circumstances will be refunded.

5. Equipment

5.1 SSM staff will, where practically possible, set up fixed equipment prior to the start of a booking. Hirers must not set up or break down equipment. By prior arrangement with the Assistant Head of Sport or one of his/her nominees, the Hirer may assist staff. 

5.2 Equipment can be hired, but notification must be provided at the time of the booking, with at least two weeks’ notice, by completing the relevant equipment request form. SSM cannot guarantee all equipment requested will be available. 

5.3 On completion of all bookings (where equipment has been requested) the Sports Facilities Operational Team will check the equipment. Any items lost or intentionally damaged (not wear or tear) will be charged to the Hirer.

 5.4 No supplementary equipment shall be brought into any facility or used without prior written consent given by the Head of Sport or one of his/her nominees. 

5.5 Storage of private sports clubs’ equipment is not permitted.

6. Health and Safety

6.1 St Mary’s University and Sport St Mary’s (SSM) Health & Safety policies must be adhered to at all times by the Hirer. Activities may only be undertaken whilst following the relevant National Governing Body and St Mary's University policies. 

6.2 SSM Health & Safety Policy is compliant with that of the University’s, which is implemented by the Health & Safety Officer. 

6.3 The Hirer must provide the Sports Facilities Operational Team with additional risk assessments for usage that is not covered by the sports facilities risk assessments. 

6.4 If, in the opinion of the Assistant Head of Sport or one of his/her nominees, Health & Safety is being compromised before, during or after the booking, he or she has the right to cancel or stop the event. 

6.5 In the event of an emergency evacuation all persons will be required to vacate the facilities under the direction of the Sports Facilities Operational Team via the nearest exit and meet at the designated assembly point. 

6.6 The Hirer is asked to inform SSM staff if any persons attending their booked session have a disability that may require additional assistance in the event of an emergency evacuation so that appropriate arrangements can be made. 

6.7 The Hirer must ensure that all individuals attending and participating in the activities arranged by the Hirer have confirmed they are fit to participate. 

6.8 All customers must inform the Hirer or SSM staff of any medical condition they may suffer from. 

6.9 Whilst using the facilities all members and users are responsible for their own health and are required to sign and date the Health Commitment Statement. 

6.10 All accidents are to be reported to the Sports Facilities Operational Team immediately and an accident report form completed.

7. Safeguarding

7.1 Sport St Mary’s Safeguarding Children Policy 

7.2 Sport St Mary’s Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Policy 

7.3 Filming and Photography

SSM does not advocate the banning of filming and photography of children participating in sportingactivities. This policy aims to put appropriate and proportionate safeguards in place to ensure thesporting environment remains safe when images are taken using a camera or any device, includingmobile phones.

The policy adopts different approaches for official filming and photography (anything which is not takenby parents/guardians/carers), and for images taken by parents/guardians/carers.For official filming and photography, SSM staff and volunteers and third-party users, must follow the procedures.

Obtain advance (at least five days) written permission from the Assistant Head – Sport Operations, for filming and photography to go ahead in the sport facilities by:

  • Providing a brief to the Assistant Head – Sport Operations, that states the content of any filming and photograph, what it is for, where it will be displayed and how it will be used.
  • Providing the Assistant Head – Sport Operations, with the contact details and proof of identification for the person/s who will be taking any film and photographs, and whereappropriate a Public Liability Insurance certificate.
  • Provide a completed copy of the Filming and Photography Consent Form (Appendix Four) that gains consent from the child and parents/guardians/carers, for images to be taken.

SSM staff and volunteers are not permitted to use personal digital equipment, such as mobilephones and cameras, to record images of young people, other than with the written permission of the Assistant Head – Sport Operations. Any images that are taken with permission, must thenbe transferred immediately and solely to the St Mary’s network and then deleted from the staff device. Once written permission for official filming and photography has been gained from the Assistant Head –Sport Operations, on the day that this activity is going ahead the procedures must be followed:

  • The person/s that will be filming and photographing must wear something that identifies them as an official film maker/photographer.
  • Unless any child is supervised by SSM or the appropriate third-party user, and/or parents/guardians/carers are present, one-to-one filming or photography is not allowed (even if consent has been gained).
  • No filming or photography device, including mobile phones, must be used in toilets or changing rooms, so that no images are ever taken in these areas. Also, no images may be taken in ways or from angles that suggest inappropriate or abusive intent. For instance, when a camera or some other device is operated at ground level pointing up shorts and skirts.
  • No taking of any images or creation, transmitting, displaying or publishing any material that is likely to specifically identify children.

Other professional film makers and photographers, or any students that wish to take film orphotographs of children participating in sport, must also apply to the Assistant Head – Sport Operations, following the steps identified to seek permission.

The Assistant Head – Sport Operations, will provide all those that have been authorised to film and photograph, with a briefing to emphasise what is appropriate in terms of content and behaviour. Parents/guardians/carers are entitled to take photographs in public areas, which includes appropriate images of children playing sport.

Whilst these groups do not need to gain advance permission from SSM, they should apply the other guidance defined above. Also, they must not take film or photographs of achild with a sticker or badge as they will not have given consent for their image to be taken. Parents/guardians/carers are advised that there can be negative consequences to sharing images linkedto information about their own or other people’s children on social media, and care should be takenabout ‘tagging.’

SSM staff and volunteers, third parties and parents/guardians/carers should ensure that all images are appropriately and securely stored. Anyone that has concerns about filming and photography of children in the sport facilities should reportthis to an SSM DSO, and if necessary, the Safeguarding Reporting Process (Safeguarding Children Policy Section 6.) will be unfolded, and a reporting form completed.

8. Clean Sport Commitment at St Mary’s University

8.1 All sporting participants have the right to compete in doping-free sport (Clean Sport). St Mary’s University supports and adopts the UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) and World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) position that cheating, including doping, in sport is fundamentally contrary to the spirit of sport, undermining the otherwise positive impact of sport on individuals and society. 

8.2 All athletes, coaches and athlete support personnel are expected to play, train, compete or perform their roles in line with the spirit of the sport, including the antidoping rules. 

8.3 Employed and associated staff will not condone, assist or in any way support the use of prohibited substances and methods (unless permitted by a Therapeutic Use Exemption) in any aspects of their work. They will also be expected to contact UK Anti-Doping should they become aware of an athlete or NGB member using or considering the usage of a prohibited substance or prohibited method. 

8.4 St Mary’s University will uphold any sanctions placed upon an athlete, athlete support personnel, employed or associated staff by UK Anti-Doping or other associated body in accordance with the World Antidoping Code.

9. Fitness & Conditioning Suite

9.1 New members must sign an SSM F&C Suite Health Commitment Statement prior to accessing the Fitness & Conditioning Suite (F&C Suite).

 9.2 All Members must be at least 18 years old to access the F&C Suite. Persons under the age of 18 years are not permitted access unless supervised by a qualified coach and prior agreement obtained from SSM. 

9.3 All rights and obligations will be subject to the type of membership for which the application has been accepted, including what hours of usage the member is entitled to. 

9.4 Membership fees are to be paid in full (not applicable for 12-month contract memberships). 

9.5 Members with an expired membership or outstanding membership fees must renew or settle the fees before regaining access.

 9.6 Refunds will only be provided if a cancellation of membership occurs within the 14-day cooling-off period. SSM does not offer the option to freeze/suspend memberships. Any other cancellations or extensions may be granted if eligible, but must be requested in writing to the Sports Reception Manager. 

9.7 If a member ceases to be a registered student of St Mary’s University they will be released from a student membership. If they wish to continue their membership they will be required to purchase an Alumni type. 

9.8 Access to the F&C Suite can only be gained with a valid membership card (for St Mary’s University students and staff, SMU ID card). 

9.9 A membership card cannot be loaned out or used to provide access to others who do not have membership. Such actions will lead to immediate termination of membership and a possible permanent ban from SSM facilities. 

9.10 St Mary’s University policy on ID cards applies to membership cards. Lost, stolen or found cards must be reported to Security. 

9.11 Replacement membership cards will cost £10. 

9.12 SSM reserves the right to close the F&C Suite for maintenance work or special events. Where possible, advanced notification will be provided. Members can request that any ‘lost’ days be added to the end of their membership period. 

9.13 Members’ physical condition is their own responsibility; SSM staff are not medically qualified to provide assessments. Members unsure about their fitness or health condition must seek medical advice before undertaking any independent physical exercise.

9.14 Members may not use the facility whilst suffering from any infection or contagious illness which could affect others. 

9.15 Members must secure personal belongings in the lockers provided, but they cannot be stored overnight. All lockers are emptied every evening and items found are placed in Lost Property and stored there for up to one month, after which they will be discarded. SSM will not be liable for the loss, damage or theft of any personal belongings. 

9.16 Members are responsible for ensuring that equipment in the F&C Suite is correctly operated. Members unsure of how to use equipment must seek advice from SSM staff. 

9.17 The F&C Suite is not always supervised during hours of operation – members using the F&C Suite will at times be unsupervised. 

9.18 Personal trainers operate on the premises on a self-employed basis. Any service they provide constitutes a contract between the personal trainer and the member. SSM accepts no responsibility for breach of contract or negligence caused by the personal trainer. 

9.19 SSM reserves the right to photograph the F&C Suite (which may include members, providing inclusion is incidental) for press and promotional purposes. 

9.20 SSM reserves the right to cancel any membership without refund if in breach of the Terms and Conditions or conduct exhibited which, in the view of SSM, amounts to improper use or abuse of the facilities or equipment; is offensive to customers and/or staff; or could potentially compromise Health & Safety policies. Members will be held liable for any damage caused.

10. Fitness Classes

10.1 The fitness classes are open to all users aged 18+. The maximum number of participants is 25 per class.

10.2 The cost of each class is per person. All spaces for the class will be allocated on a first come first served basis. 

10.3 All payments must be made at the point of attendance at the Sports Centre Reception. SSM only accepts card payments – cheques and American Express cards are not accepted. 

10.4 Participants who do not have Fitness & Conditioning Suite membership must complete a Health Commitment Statement and registration form before they can take part in the classes. 

10.5 All members must wear the appropriate clothing and footwear to take part in any of the classes. 

10.6 SSM reserves the right to cancel any class at any time. All classes are subject to change and where possible advance notification will be provided.

11. SIMMSport

SIMMSport Clubs and Holiday Camps:

 11.1 Payment for each term must be made in full prior to the first session. For returning members, if fees are not paid by the deadline date stated in the renewal notice, the place will be offered to the next child on the waiting list.

 11.2 Places cannot be held or confirmed until payment, by card, has been made. American Express, cheques and childcare vouchers are not accepted. 

11.3 Refunds will only be provided if a cancellation occurs within the 15-day cooling-off period. A £10 administration fee will be deducted.

11.4 A transfer to a different session within the same term is possible only if there are spaces open in the desired class. If the price of the class being transferred to is greater than the one transferring from, the difference in cost must be paid before the transfer can be completed. If the price is less, a credit note for the difference will be issued. 

11.5 Those who are unable to attend the rest of a term due to long term injury or illness (three weeks or more) will be issued with a credit note to the value of the missed sessions. A doctor’s note may be required to authorise this. 

11.6 All credit notes must be redeemed within 12 months of the issue date and can be used on any SIMMSport programme. 

11.7 Fees for holiday camps must be paid at the point of booking. We cannot hold or confirm places until payment has been received.

 11.8 For those wishing to cancel bookings on holiday camps:

  • Fewer than 7 days prior to the camp – no refund
  • From 7 up to 14 days - credit note for the full value of the payment.
  • More than 14 days – full refund (less £10 admin fee)

11.9 In cases of poor weather, a decision will be made up to two hours prior to the session as to whether the activity will be held indoors. If indoor space is not available the session will be cancelled and parents will be informed. Credit notes or refunds will not be given if the cancellation is due to an “Act of God”. Unless instructed otherwise, parents should assume that programmes are going ahead as scheduled.

11.10 Participants should be suitably dressed. Throughout colder periods this means multiple thin layers, as well as waterproof jackets if and when appropriate.

11.11 For SSM’s Safeguarding rules, including filming and photography, please see section 7 of these Terms & Conditions. 

11.12 When you enrol your child with SIMMSport, you are confirming that you have read and accepted these Terms & Conditions. 

Sport St Mary’s Birthday Parties:

11.13 All party bookings are subject to availability of dates and coaches.

11.14 All partygoers must be between 5 and 13 years old. A maximum of 32 children is allowed. 

11.15 SSM will confirm the booking via email once the appropriate number of coaches has been secured. Payment for the party must then be paid in full within 5 days of receiving this confirmation. 

11.16 Cancellations made within 14 days of the birthday party date will not be refunded. Cancellations made with more than 14 days’ notice will be refunded, minus a £10 administration fee. 

11.17 If the catering option is selected the catering form must be returned at least 14 days before the party date. If a booking is made within 14 days of the requested date, catering will not be available. Payment for catering is due immediately upon receipt of the invoice from SSM. 

11.18 The Hirer must clean up the food area before the end time of their booking. SSM staff will provide cleaning equipment and bin bags. Full rubbish bags can be left in the room for SSM staff to dispose of. 

11.19 A minimum of two parents/guardians are required to supervise the party and are responsible for the safe return of every child to the correct parent/guardian at the end of the party.

11.20 If the names of the supervising parents/guardians are different to the names given at the time of booking, SSM staff must be informed on the day. 

11.21 The start time stated in the booking is the time when the Hirer will be allowed to start setting up. The facility must be vacated at the end time stated in the booking. 

11.22 SSM coaches will set up and break down sport equipment used for the party. Any other equipment brought in by the Hirer must be cleared at the end time of the booking. 

11.23 In the unlikely event that SSM has to cancel the booking, we will give notice to the Hirer and any fees already paid will be refunded, or alternative dates may be offered when available.

12. Broadcasting, Television and Photographs

12.1 No broadcasting, TV or other media personnel may enter the sports facilities for the purpose of coverage or taking photographs without the prior consent of the St Mary’s University Vice Chancellor. Requests are to be sent in writing to the Assistant Head of Sport. 

12.2 In order to comply with the 2018 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), St Mary's University requires consent from individuals to use their photographic images. By signing the booking form you authorise St Mary's University to use your image in one or more of the following ways:

  • Publication in prospectuses and other university promotional material.
  • Publication as part of an advertisement.
  • Publication as part of a media release.
  • Publication on the St Mary's University web or intranet sites.

12.3 If you wish to withdraw your consent please indicate this on the booking form or contact Sport St Mary’s, St Mary’s University, Waldegrave Road, Twickenham TW1 4SX.

13. Opening Hours

13.1 SSM may from time to time withdraw use of all or any part of the facilities where and when it is deemed necessary for repair, maintenance, alteration, alternative use or for safety reasons. Where possible, advance notice of such closures will be given.

 13.2 St Mary’s University is closed for 9-12 days during Christmas, 5 days during Easter and all Bank Holiday Mondays. Users and members of the sports facilities will be notified of the exact dates of closures approximately 2-4 weeks in advance.

 13.3 With the exception of these University closures, the sports facilities are open at the following times:

  • Sports Centre and running track: weekdays 07.30- 22.00 and weekends 08.00-20.00
  • Fitness & Conditioning Suite: weekdays 06.30- 22.00 and weekends 08.00-20.00
  • Teddington Lock Sports Campus, subject to seasonal variations in daylight hours - please contact SSM for confirmation:

- All-weather pitch - weekdays 09.00-21.30 and weekends 09.00-18.00 (20.00 in summer)

- Grass pitches – 09.00-16.00 (20.00 in summer)

14. Pets

14.1 Governed by the University’s Animals & Other Pets policy, with the exception of working/guide dogs, St Mary’s University does not allow animals on its campus, grounds or in its buildings.

15. Issue/Return of Keys: Teddington Lock Sports Campus

15.1 The Sports Facilities Operational Team does not issue keys. St Mary’s University Security Team issue keys for Teddington Lock Sports Campus.

15.2 The Security Team will issue keys to the Hirer for authorised bookings confirmed by the Sports Facilities Operational Team.

15.3 The Security Team’s policy on issuing keys requires a £20 deposit and sign out. The deposit is refundable upon the safe return of the keys.

16. Loss, Damage and Personal Injury

16.1 The Hirer will be fully responsible for all persons and property brought onto the premises and shall indemnify St Mary's University from any loss or damage to property including property of St Mary's University arising from the hire.

16.2 St Mary’s University accepts no responsibility for any personal injury sustained by the Hirer arising as a consequence of hiring or using the sports facilities.

17. Indemnity Insurance

17.1 The Hirer should, where applicable, provide its own public liability insurance cover for the period of the hire. 

17.2 Where any third party makes a claim against St Mary's University for damages, compensation and/or costs in respect of injury, death and/or damage to property during the use of facilities by the Hirer, the Hirer shall reimburse St Mary's University save where St Mary's University is strictly liable.

18. Car Parking

18.1 Parking restrictions apply across the University campus and the Teddington Lock Campus. Parking is not included as part of any booking. St Mary's University has the right to issue a Parking Charge Notice to any vehicle that is parked in an unauthorised area or fails to have a valid parking permit.

19. Feedback

19.1 Hirers can provide SSM with feedback directly to the Sports Facilities Operational team; or via specific feedback forms that are made available periodically to particular groups of users. 

19.2 SSM will provide customer feedback as required. 

19.3 Hirers requesting to be contacted should allow three working days from the point at which the feedback was received by staff.

20. Terms and Conditions Policy

20.1 SSM reserves the right to amend any notes contained within the Terms and Conditions where and when necessary. Notices will be displayed informing users of the changes. 

20.2 Personal details will not be shared with any third party. Occasionally you may receive information regarding special offers or news from SSM and/or St Mary's University. 

20.3 Neither party may alter the terms and conditions without written agreement of the other party and no written or oral representation by either party will serve to modify or amend these terms and conditions in any way.

21. Formal Documents and Policies Available

If and when required, the following documents and Policies are available on request:

  • Safeguarding Process
  • St Mary’s University Health & Safety Policy
  • St Mary’s University GDPR Privacy Statement
  • St Mary’s Clean Sport Commitment Statement.