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Guidance for Observing Primary Science lessons

Focused questions to develop best practice in primary science (used to support planning and reflection)

Any practical work in science (Demonstrating good subject and curriculum knowledge- standard 3) 

  • What is the purpose?​
  • What do children need to know/ do before doing the practical work?​
  • Can the children explain what they are learning from doing the practice? ​
  • How will the practical link to future learning?

Facilitating the progression of working scientifically skills (Promoting good progress– standard 2)

  • Evaluating evidence: How could you support the children to develop the skill of evaluating evidence in this activity?
  • Interpreting results: What questions could you ask to help children interpret their results?
  • Asking questions: How can this activity be used to support children to ask their own scientific questions?
  • Taking measurements: How can you develop this skill during the activity? What equipment do you need
  • Gathering and recording results: How will the children record their observations / measurements?
  • Presenting results: How will the children present their results? Could they use a graph?
  • Making careful observations: What observations will the children make? What vocabulary may they need to make them?
  • Drawing conclusions: How can you help the children to answer their investigation question using their results?
  • Planning an enquiry: How can you help the children to identify their procedure to answer their investigation question?
  • Predicting results: Do the children have enough scientific knowledge / experience to make a prediction

Science capital and Inclusion (High expectations – standard 1 and Adaptive teaching– standard 5)

  • What open questions could you use to link this area with the students’ experiences?
  • What open questions could you use to allow students to share their own ideas?
  • What personal story / anecdote could you talk about the topic to prompt contributions from students?
  • How could this relate to students’ interests, aspirations and past experiences?
  • What familiar / local contexts could be used as hooks?
  • How is this learning relevant to students’ everyday lives?
  • What jobs might use this area of science?
  • Do you know any family or friends who might use this area of science?
  • What out-of-school science learning could enrich this topic?
  • What scientists work in this area?
  • Can you think of how this might relate to current news / media?
  • How does could this topic / idea / skill be used in other areas of learning?
  • How did you support (a named child) develop their science understanding?
  • How did you support (a named child) develop their working scientifically skills?
  • Does the child need any additional resources / health and safety requirements?

Sequencing / Assessment (Planning well-structured lessons / assessment – standard 4 and 6)

  • What do the children need to be able to do to access this?
  • What do the children need to know before learning this content?
  • How might the children practice apply new knowledge / skills?
  • What activities could you use to indicate understanding?
  • What pre-existing misconceptions might you check for?
  • What might the children learn next?
  • How would you adapt this for a different year group / key stage?


  • Supporting subject knowledge and misconceptions: Reachout CPD
  • Supporting planning and science-specific pedagogy: PLAN and TAPS
  •  Supporting dialogic learning and engaging starters: Explorify