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Top Tips for Academic Integrity to help you avoid unintentional plagiarism or collusion:

1. Familiarise yourself with the University’s regulations on academic misconduct

The regulations can be found on the Registry webpages.

2. Complete the Epigeum Academic Integrity online training modules

To access the modules go to Moodle and click on the Student Training Module page in “My Courses”, then choose the “Academic Integrity training” section.

They are also available on your Moodle programme page, in the “Your Academic Development”.

3. Build your academic referencing skills

Good academic practice requires a good understanding of how to cite the sources you draw upon when writing your assignments.

Check out the “Referencing Guide” available on the Library webpages. Consider using a webtool like “citethemright”.

If your programme requires you to use subject-specific referencing conventions, consult your programme team for guidance.

4. Keep rough notes and earlier drafts of your work.

Keeping early drafts of your coursework assignments as you work on completing them ensures that if requested to demonstrate the originality of your work, you can easily do so.

 5. Work with other students on assessments only when authorised to do so.

Most programmes require students to work collaboratively in the completion of group-based assessments. But avoid working with other students on formal assessments when this is not authorised by your Module Convenor(s).

6. Avoid contract cheating services and websites.

Using such sites is unethical, against the regulations, and is likely to result in serious penalties.

 7. Proofread your work carefully prior to submission.

A methodical approach to proofreading your work can be crucial in ensuring that all sources utilised are properly cited or acknowledged.

Useful guidance on proofreading is available via the Library website in “Library & Subject Guides”.

 8. Engage with the guidance on plagiarism and collusion available on the Library webpages.

Check-out the guidance in the “Library & Subject Guides” section.

9. Develop your confidence with academic writing by working with our Learning Development Lecturers.