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The programme design and innovation theme of the St Mary's Learning and Teaching Strategy aims to:

  • Embed Curriculum Frameworks (at undergraduate and post-graduate levels)
  • Expand and innovation via partnership, including building inward and outward student mobility (e.g. study abroad).
  • Embed employability and career development within programmes.
  • Flexing the academic year to provide greater flexibility for students.
  • Implement a new programme design and approval process that encourages and supports innovation.
  • Extend the breadth of our students’ learning e.g. via the provision of new UG interdisciplinary optional modules, and the number of programmes that integrate a Year in Placement.
  • Create of an innovative Continuing Education offer that provides new opportunities for parttime study and professional development for a wider national and international audience.

 Some areas of work within this themes of the Learning and Teaching Stretgy include:

  • Introduction of a new Face-to-face PLUS (F2F+) brand for our learning and teaching approach.
  • Introduction of a new online programme design and approval process to drive innovation in our ‘Offer’, with enhanced focus on students as co-creators.
  • An enhanced focus on Widening Participation in programme design and quality assurance processes, plus impact evaluation of Widening Participation initiatives.
  • Enhanced student mobility opportunities for example, our study abroad opportunities.
  • More flexible academic year, with introduction of short 4 week semesters in January and June.
  • New opportunities for students to engage with interdisciplinary study and modules.
  • New Continuing Education programme providing enhanced CPD and personal development opportunities for a wider audience.
  • Enhanced focus on experiential and applied learning with wider integration of placement modules, placement year programmes and pathways, internships and mentoring opportunities. 

A full copy of the St Mary's Learning and Teaching Strategy detailing further information about our programme design and innovation theme can be viewed here: Learning and Teaching Strategy.

Alternatively, each section is available here: Secton 1Section 2Section 3Section 4 and Section 5