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Terms of reference for the Health and Safety Sub-Committee

The role of the Health & Safety Sub-Committee established in accordance with the University’s Health and Safety at Work Policy is to:

  1. Monitor the implementation of Health and Safety Policies in accordance with Section 2 of the Health and Safety at Work Act and other appropriate legislation.
  2. Ensure adequate training for safety representatives, staff and committee members enabling improved communication awareness, risk control and the identification of health and safety issues.
  3. Reinforce the University’s safety culture and staff participation in identifying and solving health and safety issues.
  4. Study trends of accidents, dangerous occurrences, ill health and notifiable diseases, so that recommendations may be made to management for corrective action to be taken.
  5. Examining safety audit reports, including but not limited to, the University’s internal auditors, HSE, Fire Service, Local Authority, to note areas where improvements can be made and implement appropriate action.
  6. Consider reports and factual information provided by Inspectors, enforcing authorities, HSE, or other regulatory bodies appointed under Health and Safety Legislation.
  7. Consider reports made by Safety Representatives and implement appropriate action.
  8. Assist in the development of safety rules and safe systems of work.
  9. Evaluate the effectiveness of staff and student safety training.
  10. Monitor the adequacy of Health and Safety communication and publicity.
  11. Act as a link between the University and the enforcing authority.
  12. Undertake continual reviews of the University’s Health and Safety Policy and other health and safety organisation documents.
  13. Ensuring the maintenance of adequate records of proceedings and activities of the Committee.
  14. Establishing specialist sub-committees to report on topics of concern which require detailed /expert knowledge and discussion.
  15. Oversee the programme of health and safety training for staff.
  16. Once a year, review and submit an annual report on health & safety matters to the University Operating Board and the Finance & Resources Committee.
  17. Report to the University Operating Board and the Finance & Resources Committee.
  18. Promote a positive and proactive approach to health and safety amongst staff, students and visitors.
  19. Implement practical guidance from University policies and established procedure on day-to-day operational matters affecting the Health and Safety Groups of the University.
  20. Advise the Finance & Resources Committee and the University Operating Board on its activities in operational matters referring matters of strategy and enforcement to the Health and Safety Committee where necessary.
  21. Keep under review the University’s Health and Safety Policy and the corporate disaster recovery plan and to make appropriate recommendations to the Finance & Resources Committee and the University Operating Board for change.
  22. Devise and oversee the development of well-trained and knowledgeable staff, at Faculty/ departmental level (particularly for off-campus activities), effective management of health and safety issues at the Faculty/ departmental level, good reporting systems, regular review of legislative requirements.
  23. Receive regular reports from the University’s Health and Safety Officer.
  24. Receive regular reports from the University’s Health and Safety Groups.


The sub-committee will meet at least once a term to discharge the above responsibilities.


  • Chief Operating Officer (Chair)
  • Director of Estates and Campus Services
  • Health and Safety Officer
  • Sport St Mary’s Representation
  • HR Services Representation
  • Security Operations Manager
  • UCU Representative
  • UNISON Representative
  • Sub-Committee Secretary