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St Mary's Student Charter

At St Mary's University, alongside your St Mary’s Students' Union, we’re committed to making sure you succeed in your studies, and you’re able to develop academically, personally and professionally.

We’ll help you develop your physical, intellectual and spiritual potential – aiming to encourage equality of opportunity for everyone. We create an inclusive community for all students and staff in accordance with our mission and values of Inclusiveness, Generosity of Spirit, Respect, and Excellence.

Here we’ll explore the commitments to you from the University and the Students' Union – as well as commitments from yourself and what we expect from you.

University commitments

1. Respect and responsibility: the University will:

  • Provide an environment which promotes equality, diversity and ethical behaviour in all aspects of student life.
  • Treat you professionally and with respect.
  • Make sure you’re able to study and socialise on campus in environments where your health and safety are protected.

2. Learning, teaching and assessment: the University will:

  • Provide high quality teaching informed by research and current practice.
  • Provide detailed and accurate information on the structure and requirements of your programme of study, including how to prepare and submit assessments.
  • Make sure you’re supported in your learning and assessment, with appropriate feedback to promote your achievement.
  • Provide opportunities to access careers advice and enhance your employability and personal development.
  • Provide suitable access to library and IT facilities.

3. Student life at St Mary's: the University will:

  • Provide opportunities to represent your views and those of your fellow students at St Mary’s.
  • Provide accessible and accurate information and advice, responding to your queries in a timely manner.
  • Provide a range of social and sporting opportunities and facilities, in collaboration with the Students' Union and through Sport St Mary's.
  • Provide a range of support throughout your studies, often through our Wellbeing services, and a Chaplaincy supporting students of all faiths and none. 
  • Provide timely, personalised advice and guidance on pastoral and wellbeing matters.

Your commitments

In return you’ll undertake to:

  • Accept that as a current student you’re bound by and must adhere to the academic regulations and all other University policies and procedures.
  • Behave with respect for yourself, fellow students and University staff, always treating others with courtesy and consideration, including on social media.
  • Actively take part in your learning, attending timetabled classes and tutorials, undertaking reading, research and independent study, and submitting for assessment as required.
  • Seek advice and guidance when issues or problems arise, acting constructively on the advice given.
  • Engage constructively and honestly in any University consultation on aspects of your studies at St Mary's, helping to improve the experience for all students.
  • Behave responsibly when using facilities and comply with any specific regulations governing their use.
  • Respect the campus environment and our facilities, making sure you don’t act in a way that puts yourself or anyone else at risk.
  • Understand you’re also responsible for your own health and safety, and that of those around you, and to comply with any rules or regulations relating to this. 
  • Respect our neighbours and local community by preventing noise disturbance, litter and any antisocial behaviour.

Students’ Union commitments

The Students' Union undertakes to:

  • Represent your interests and act as a channel of communication with the University and other student bodies.
  • Encourage personal development and a sense of community, providing entertainment, student clubs, societies and social activities.
  • Help and support students who may be encountering problems with student life (socially and academically), using our knowledge and understanding to work with the University to minimise the likelihood of these problems reoccurring.
  • Support active student engagement and empower students to be active members of the St Mary's community, while embodying the University's values of Inclusiveness, Generosity of Spirit, Respect, and Excellence.
  • Promote a safe and inclusive environment for all, both academically and socially.
  • Give students the opportunity to engage in our activities through an open and democratic structure and effective communication.

Feedback and complaints

The University welcomes feedback on your experience and provides channels through Course representatives and the Students' Union. 

We also recognise there may be times when you consider we haven’t provided what we aim to. So we have a complaints procedure you can use to raise issues with the University. We ask you to do this as soon as possible so we can seek resolution at the earliest opportunity.