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Money scams, tricks, and fraud

Monetary fraud is an issue of increasing prevalence in the UK, and sadly, students are being targeted now more than ever. We have collected some tips and helpful links.

  • Check out HMRCs guidance on protecting yourself from becoming a money mule.
  • Never share your bank account, PayPal/CashApp addresses, or debit/credit card details with anyone unless you know and can trust them. 
  • Do not trust offers of money for no or little work, as this may be a scam.
  • Look out for poor spelling or unusual email addresses in emails you receive.
  • If a company or person who you know emails you and the sender information on the email only shows the name, click on the name and check the senders email address. If this is different to the name showing in the senders section on the email, it is likely a scam. 
  • Don’t allow someone that you do not know or trust to transfer money through your bank account. This is a common form of money laundering.
  • Do not trust people who contact you via social media offering you money.
  • If you receive suspicious texts, do not reply or click any links.
  • Never email your credit or debit card details to anyone, even the University. 
  • Never give out PIN numbers or passwords via email or over the phone.
  • If someone from your bank calls you and asks for details, hang up and call the banks main phone number. They will be able to confirm if it was a legitimate call and take any necessary details.
  • Check your banks website for lists of known scams.
  • If you are ever unsure about something, check with those around you. Friends or family may notice something you have missed.

You can find out information about common fraud in the UK and how to stay safe from these by visiting:

If you have been a victim of fraud, you should to the following.

  • Contact your bank straight away and let them know. Keep a record of all the conversations you have with the bank along with any other evidence of the fraud. The bank will investigate, take action to protect your accounts, and may refer the crime to the police.
  • Contact the Police. You should always report suspected fraud to the police. In many cases your bank may call the police on your behalf, however it's best to ensure you have an open dialogue.
  • Alert Action Fraud. You can make a report to Action Fraud who can also notify authorities. 

For further support, you can contact: