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All of the work that we undertake in Widening Participation across the student lifecycle is overseen by the Head of Widening Participation, Nikki Anghileri (contact details below), but this is a university-wide priority and so the actions and initiatives undertaken to address and improve continuation rates include Faculties and Institutes, Support Services, Professional Teams and the Students' Union (in fact, everyone plays a role in this!)

Our APP for 2019/20 and 2020-2024 can be found below:

There are a number of initiatives that we are undertaking to reduce continuation gaps including:

If you have any questions or queries about any aspect of WP Continuation, please don't hesitate to contact Nikki Anghileri, Head of Widening Participation via email ( or phone (020 8240 4238/4377)

  • To reduce and eliminate any difference in continuation rates between white and BAME students
  • To reduce and eliminate any difference in continuation rates between white and Asian students
  • To reduce and eliminate any difference in continuation rates between students with a declared disability and non-disabled students
  • To reduce and eliminate any difference in continuation rates between male students from the most economically deprived backgrounds and students from more affluent backgrounds

This does not mean that we are ignoring any observed differences between other groups of students - far from it - but these are national targets which we are working towards.