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Unusual and Bulky Waste

Unusual and Bulky Waste Disposal Guidance

What is unusual and bulky waste?

It includes a wide range of items, and it even includes items that in low volume would normally be disposed of as general waste or recycling. As a simple guide, if it's large or there are a lot, and it's not something you could, and would, usually put in your domstetic waste or recycling bin, there's a good chance you need to think more about how you dispose of it as it may be 'unusual and bulky waste' not suited to the waste stream or the disposal method and equipment processing it.

Still unsure about your item or items? 

Help and guidance are available to determine if you should not use the general waste and recycling bins and instead arrange alternative disposal from the Maintenance Helpdesk.

Prior to contacting the Maintenance Helpdesk, appropriate steps must be taken by individual departments to reduce waste or include waste management/disposal within their purchasing criteria.

Who disposes of bulky waste?

The appropriate disposal of many large or bulky waste items outside of the general waste stream is the responsibility of the department who created the waste. Estates and Campus Services through the Maintenance Helpdesk and the Grounds and Gardens Manager will in many cases advise or assist with appropriate disposal by facilitating this in a number of ways depending upon the waste type, size, quantity and origin. It is important that bulk waste is not discarded outside around the campus, including at general and recycling waste collection points. To do so would result in this being treated as fly tipping.

Any questions regarding how or where to dispose of waste that cannot be answered on these pages should be directed to the Maintenance helpdesk.

Bulky waste items disposed of with the assistance of Campus Services will incur a cost to the department that created the waste.

Contracted Works;

All work undertaken by contractors will be expected to include waste disposal within the remit of the work undertaken. 

Pallets and Skips;

An Image of a Skip and some Pallets

Please ensure suppliers of palletised deliveries require couriers to remove pallets at the point of delivery or by exchange in the case of regular repeat deliveries.

The Maintenance helpdesk can assist in arranging the provision of skips where required for large volumes of bulky waste.

Please contact the Maintenance Helpdesk for assistance on extension 4036 or email