The Mentor Training Zone is a one-stop shop for mentors and professional co-ordinating mentors (PCMs) at our partnership schools, providing full guidance, support, and a range of online and live training. You will also find resources to support the ongoing professional development of our expert colleagues, including themed talk times from those within the School of Education and in our partnership schools.
No one is born a great teacher. Great teachers continuously improve over time, benefitting from the mentoring of expert colleagues and a structured introduction to the core body of knowledge, skills and behaviours that define great teaching.
DfE 2019
Mentor training overview
Session 1: An introduction to mentoring at St Mary's
This mentor training overview video is essential viewing for all St Mary's mentors and PCMs in both primary and secondary. Please complete this 20-minute training before your initial meeting with the St Mary's link tutor.
Further St Mary's curriculum training is required for our mentors to support them in working with our trainees on school experience. Our partnership schools have access to a range of resources, including: