We are proud to be serving Triple certified Smokin Bean Coffee and Fairtrade Pavillion Garden and Suki Tea in our Cafes. Our Coffee Partner, Tchibo, has a very strong commitment to supporting sustainable initiatives.
With the support of competent partner organisations Tchibo Joint Forces!® helps coffee farmers increase their productivity and income in an environmentally friendly and socially acceptable way. The programme's flexible modules specifically focus on the individual needs of coffee farmers, their families and local communities.

The University has been a Fairtrade supporter since 2011 and has been awarded the Fairtrade University & College Award in July 2022.

Annual Impact Report on Fairtrade March 2022

The Catering service buys and serves Fairtrade Coffee, Tea in all its outlets and events and sales have increased with more students and staff returning to campus after Covid lockdowns.It has also increased its range of Fairtrade soft drinks and confectionery most notably the addition of Tony’s Chocolonely.
The Catering service works closely with the londo and University Sustainability groups and has got support from the marketing team to promote events. The service also is part of the local Richmond Fairtrade group and works closely with them to keep Richmond as a Fairtrade borough. The service uses it digital screens and Point of Sale posters in outlets also to promote events and influence the use Fairtrade goods. The Service has successfully run various events and promotions during Fairtrade Fortnight and this year (Feb/ March 2022 invited two suppliers to give presentations on campus. Tchibo Coffee and Tony’s Chocolonely did presentations which highlighted the importance of Fairtrade and the events were followed by sampling of coffee, juice and chocolate. Representatives from the Catering procurement team, Students’ Union, University Sustainability Group and the local Richmond Group were also present.
The University School of Education cover Fairtrade within their PGCE teacher training modules mainly within sustainability and education for global citizenship. Lots of good work is done by the staff and students supporting further reflection and development of global citizenship education within the Higher Education Modules which embeds once again the importance of Fairtrade.
St Mary’s has been a supporter and promoter of Fairtrade since 2011 and proudly continues to champion this important cause to support our People (Farmers and their communities) and the Planet.
Nikhil Santos- Catering & Bar Services Manager, St Mary’s University Twickenham London.