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MSc Psychology Conversion

We like to talk with all our applicants before offering them a place. This one-to-one meeting is also a chance for you to find out if the course is right for you.

The meeting will last no more than 30 minutes. It's a chance for you to ask questions and to also demonstrate that you understand the nature of the course and have considered the demands of studying at master's level.

If you have any questions between now and then, please feel free to reply to this email or to email the Course Lead at

Log in

Log in to our student applicant portal to book a suitable time and date for your interview. 

Your username is your student ID and your initial password was your date of birth in the format DDMMYYYY though you may have changed this by now.

Once you have booked an online interview, you will receive an email from your interviewer with a link to the Zoom meeting – this will be sent a few days before your scheduled interview date. 

All current availability for interviews is shown in the portal.

If you have completed your qualifications, we will need to verify these before any offer can be made following a successful interview outcome.

Please log on to your applicant portal and select the ‘My application’ tab.

If we need documents from you then there will be a button which is labelled ‘Documents – action required’ – please select this button.

There will be a list of documents that we need. If the status is ‘accepted’ it means we have already verified the qualification. If the status is ‘required’ it means we need you to upload the relevant document. You can do this by selecting the button labelled ‘upload’.

Please ensure you: 

  • rename the document so that it explains what it is; for example, if the document is a copy of your UK passport, please ensure the filename is ‘UK passport’
  • only upload one copy of each document.

Who will interview you? 

You will be interviewed by the Programme Director, Dr Chris Campbell via Zoom. 

Use our recurring Zoom link on the day and time you have booked. 

If you have trouble accessing Zoom or are not able to attend your booked interview slot, please email Chris Campbell at

Recording of interview 

Your interview will be recorded. At the very start of the interview connection the recording will begin, and you will be asked to confirm that you are happy for the interview to be recorded. The interview will be terminated if you are not prepared to have the interview recorded. Find out more information about consent to record

Once recording has been confirmed, you will need to show two forms of photo ID. 

Interview format

You will be asked a few questions and at the end there will also be an opportunity for you to ask the interviewer any questions you may have. The interviewer will try to further explore your reasons for wanting to apply to the course and the steps that you have taken to inform this decision. 

How to prepare

The interview questions will be based around the details in your application, your previous qualifications, your motivation for applying, and plans related to your study.

If you require any adjustments for interview, please email diagnostic or medical evidence of this to with information about your interview and any required adjustments.

Please check our Student Wellbeing Service for more information about support available at St Mary’s.