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Cross-Culture Research

This cluster has been formed for people interested in cultural effects. The objectives are to share ideas and good practice, form collaborative projects, discuss research findings and provide peer support.

‘Culture’ is a broad term - The cluster is open to discussion and research on any aspect of culture – be these transient variations such as temporary group memberships, or constants such as ethnicity or gender.

The current group includes academics investigating but not restricted to: Minority groups and HE achievements, the impact of cultural variations in social structure on cognition, and how linguistics in multinational teams can affect workers emotionally.

Due to the multi- disciplinary nature of the cluster we envisage the researched implications to range across a broad spectrum; from success of multinational corporations, well-being through the lifespan, to the effect race has on academic achievements.

Representative publications

  • Mugabe, C., Brug, P. & Catling, J. (2016) Cross-Cultural difference in Academic Motivation, Academic Self-Esteem, and Upward Social Mobility within a student cohort. Psychology Teaching Review, 22, 53-68.
  • Brug, P. & Oliver, T.L. (2010). To go or not to go: Access and barriers to ethnic minority participation in higher education within the United Kingdom. In B. McGaw, E. Baker & P. L. Peterson (Eds.) International Encyclopaedia of Education, 3rd Edition. Oxford: Elsevier.
  • Sciplino, C., Smith, P.K., Hurme, H., Rusek, M. and Bäckvik, P. (2010). ‘Representations of grandparents in children’s books in Britain, Italy, Greece, Finland and Poland’. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 8:3, 298-316.
  • Smith, P.K., Bouna, L., Svensson-Dianellou, A., Quadrello, T. & Sciplino, C. (2009). ‘Grandparenting and intergenerational relationships: Work from Goldsmiths, University of London, UK’. ISSBD Bulletin2 (56), 27-30.
  • Ahmed, L. (2018). Knowing how you are feeling depends on what’s on my mind: Cognitive load and expression categorization. Emotion, 18(2), 190-201.
  • Ahmed, L & J de Fockert, JW. Focusing on Attention (2012). The Effects of Working Memory Capacity and Load on Selective Attention. PLoS ONE, 28 Aug 2012.10.1371/journal.pone.004310.
  • Caparos S, Ahmed L, Bremner AJ, de Fockert JW, Linnell KJ, Davidoff J (2012). Exposure to an urban environment alters the local bias of a remote culture. >Cognition, Volume 122, Issue 1, Pages 80–85.
  • Age, gender and puberty influence the development of facial emotion recognition. K Lawrence, R Campbell, D Skuse. Frontiers in Psychology 6: 761 (2015).
  • Social communication competence and functional adaptation in a general population of children: preliminary evidence for sex-by-verbal IQ differential risk. DH Skuse, W Mandy, C Steer, LL Miller, R Goodman, K Lawrence, A Emond, J Golding. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 48 (2), 128-137 (2009).
  • Cucchi, A. (2016). Differences in Mentalising Ability in Individuals Presenting with Eating Disorders with and without concurrent Self-harm: a Comparative Study. Counselling Psychology Review, 31, 1, 31-37
  • Bridge H., Thomas O.M., Minini L., Cavina-Pratesi C., Milner A.D., Parker A.J. (2013). Structural and functional changes across the visual cortex of a patient with visual form agnosia. Journal of Neuroscience, 33, 12779 – 12791.
  • Stone M, Spero I & Aravopoulou E (2017) Multiple Helices as Agents of Change? The Case of the Neighbourhoods of the Future Project and the Development of Direction for Policy and Practice on Health, Happiness and Wellbeing for the next Generation of Older Adults, Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy 5 1, 97-117.
  • Fincham, K, Dunne, M, Durrani, N & Crossuard, B. (2017) Troubling Muslim Youth Identities: Nation, Religion, Gender. London: Palgrave.
  • Aravopoulou, E. 2015. Experiencing organisational change in Greece: the impact of psychological contract, job satisfaction and organisational commitment on employees' EVLN behaviour.The Business & Management Review, 6(3), pp. 131-159.
  • Chung, J. (2012). ‘Education for the Swedish-Speaking Minority in Finland’. In Atkin, C. (Ed.) Education and Minorities, Continuum.
  • Pauline Foster, with P. Skehan and S. Shum. ‘Ladders and Snakes in Second Language Fluency’. International Review of Applied Linguistics 54.2 (2016)
  • Pauline Foster and G. Wigglesworth. ‘Measuring Accuracy in Second Language Performance: the Case for a Weighted Clause Ratio’. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 36 (2016)