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The Professionals podcast


Welcome to The Professionals, a podcast hosted by all involved in Initial Teacher Education at the St Mary's School of Education.

Throughout the episodes, the team will consider a range of topics and host a variety of guests to explore the current educational landscape. Each episode contains discussion with expert colleagues in their field alongside prompts for professional dialogue and reflection. These can be used to support training in your setting or to scaffold personal reflection. We hope you enjoy listening! Find us on X @TeachStMarys

Sam Lovatt, Senior Lecturer in Computing, joins the podcast to share research into perceptions of GenAI in both primary and secondary classrooms. Considering the perspectives of teachers and pupils, this important research prompts reflection on both how GenAI is understood and how it is being used in schools. Sam shares insight into the opportunities and challenges presented by this fast-moving aspect of the technological world and the implications for professional practice. Listen to the episode.

Reflective discussion prompts

  • How does the use of GenAI sit within the context of your school/classroom?
  • Is there disparity between the ways children and staff perceive and use GenAI?
  • What are the challenges of GenAI in your setting and how might these be overcome?
  • To what extent does GenAI present opportunities to staff and children and how might these be embraced?

Further thinking

Juliette Claro, Lecturer in PGCE Secondary Languages, joins the podcast to explore how teachers might best promote learning for multilingual learners in their classroom. Considering both the opportunities and challenges presented by language and communication, we discuss how teachers can promote belonging, community, and learning through their understanding and support of multilingualism. The first in a series of episodes delving into this important topic, this conversation offers practical guidance and opportunities for practitioners to reflect on how individual learners experience their time at school and in the classroom. Listen to the episode.

Reflective discussion prompts

  • What is multilingual context of your school/classroom and how does this influence your practice?
  • How is multilingualism celebrated in your setting and what is the impact of this?
  • To what extent does multilingualism present barriers in your classroom and what strategies could be employed to help learners overcome them?

Further thinking

Robert Campbell, Course Lead PGCE Secondary Science, joins the podcast for a discussion about the power of establishing routines and managing transitions in the classroom. Reflecting on the place of belonging, trust, and respect in schools, we explore how routines and transitions can promote a positive learning environment for both teacher and pupil. Providing insights from both primary and secondary settings, this episode calls for reflection on how practitioners can nurture a classroom culture that enables pupils to take risks, feel respected, and engage with their learning. Listen to the episode.

Reflective discussion prompts

  • Which routines have the greatest impact on your learners and how do you know?
  • Which transitions do pupils find most challenging and what strategies are most supportive in helping them to manage these?
  • What research might support you in experimenting with new approaches to routines and transitions?
  • What do you observe in the way your colleagues manage routines and transitions in the classroom? What could be adopted into your own practice?

Further thinking

Dr Jane Chambers, Associate Professor and Head of the School of Education, and Jemima Davey, Subject Lead for Education Partnerships welcome Stephen and Emma, mentors to St Mary's trainees and early career teachers, to the podcast to discuss the use of research literature in mentoring practices. This episode explores professional learning around the application of research in practice, introducing research-informed approaches in school, and developing confidence in the use of research in the role of both teacher and mentor. Listen to the episode.

Reflective discussion prompts

  • How does research literature inform the practices in your classroom and wider school?
  • How could you develop the use of research literature in your mentoring practices?
  • What are the opportunities presented by greater engagement with research literature?
  • How could research engagement be developed in your school?

Further thinking

Dr Viki Veale, Senior Lecturer in Early Years and Primary Education, joins the podcast for a discussion about her recently completed doctoral research into the lived experiences of EYFS practitioners and the implications for initial teacher education. This episode explores the findings of the study, the voices of practitioners working in the earliest phase of education, and considers how lecturers, mentors, and school leaders might change the narrative for professionals in the early years. Listen to the episode.

Reflective discussion prompts

  • What is your understanding of early years pedagogy and how does this inform your practice in your phase of education?
  • To what extent does the pedagogy of other phases shape the way you teach and understand how pupils learn?
  • What could you take away from another phase of education to develop and enhance your own classroom practice?

Further thinking

Karen Fox, Senior Lecturer in Primary English, joins the podcast for a discussion about her doctoral research exploring voice, identity, and representation in the classroom. This episode explores the role of literature in the classroom, the power of pupil identities, and the importance of authentic representation and considers how practitioners can take the next step in promoting voice in their classrooms. Listen to the episode.

Reflective discussion prompts

  • What are the identities of the pupils I teach and to what extent does my practice respond to the individuals in my class(es)?
  • What role does representation play in my planning, teaching and wider professional practice and how could this be further developed?
  • What are my next steps in promoting pupil voice and identity in my own practice?

Further thinking

Gemma Cass, Lecturer in Primary Education, joins the podcast for an exploration of international perspectives in education and what this means for practitioners. This discussion considers how schools and teachers can tailor their practice to respond to the unique contexts of their classroom, school, and place in the world. Gemma offers a starting point for practitioners wanting to take the first step in adopting a more internationally-minded approach to their teaching. Listen to the episode.

Reflective discussion prompts

  • To what extent does my classroom make use of international-mindedness?
  • How could my practice become more representative of the different cultures and identities within my classroom, school and wider community?
  • What steps can I take to develop my work in school to embrace the opportunities presented by international approaches to education?

Further thinking

Professor Anna Lise Gordon joins the podcast for a discussion about professional learning throughout a teaching career. This discussion explores the purpose, impact and different ways of engaging in professional learning and considers how practitioners can take the next step in their own learning journey while fulfilling their existing role. Listen to the episode.

Reflective discussion prompts

  • What are my professional ambitions and what would I like to achieve in my teaching career?
  • What role does professional learning already play in my development?
  • What further professional learning opportunities could I seek to increase the breadth and relevance of my engagement?

Further thinking

Rene Hartmann joins us to explore what it means to get creative in maths and how our students are encouraged to change their perspective on this important subject. A must-listen for anyone wanting to boost pupil confidence in maths and show learners how to enjoy the creative and risk-taking opportunities presented by problem solving. Listen to the episode

Reflective discussion prompts

  • In what ways is my practice in mathematics creative?
  • How could my maths planning and teaching incorporate more creative approaches?
  • What opportunities and challenges do I face in adopting a creative approach to maths and how could I embrace them?

Further thinking

This episode welcomes Sophie Wilson, Associate Professor in the School of Education, as she explores what it means to offer high quality sustainability and climate education in your classrooms. In a follow up to our episode with Dr Amy Strachan, this discussion offers a different perspective on the opportunities and challenges to incorporating this important topic into your teaching. Listen to the episode

Reflective discussion prompts

  • To what extent do I already embrace the concepts of sustainability and climate education in my practice? 
  • What are the opportunities and challenges presented by embedding these concepts in my setting?
  • What actions could be taken to provide learners with opportunities to engage with these important topics?

Further thinking

Janine Bell, subject knowledge lead for Design and Technology, joins us to discuss what's on the horizon for this aspect of the National Curriculum. Topics covered include the strengths of this subject and opportunities presented by the primary curriculum. Janine also shares insight into where D&T's areas for development are and how teachers can provide the best opportunities for their pupils. Listen to the episode

Reflective discussion prompts

  • To what extent is my delivery of D&T reflective of the discussion in the podcast?
  • What are the opportunities and challenges presented by the delivery of D&T in my setting?
  • How could my planning and delivery be adapted to embrace the opportunities and challenges presented by this subject? 

Further thinking

This episode welcomes Dr Jane Chambers, Associate Professor and Head of the School of Education, to the podcast and explores the emerging and evolving professional identities of teachers. Through her own research and leadership on initial teacher education programmes, Jane discusses the relationship between personal and professional identities, as well as what can challenge and change them throughout our time in the classroom. Listen to the podcast

Reflective discussion prompts

  • To what extent do my personal and professional identities interact and how does this inform the way I fulfil my role? 
  • How has my identity evolved over time, what has shaped it and how has this impacted my practice? 
  • How stable do I consider my professional identity to be and what actions could I take from the episode to further develop it?

Further thinking

In this episode, Farhana Irshad joins us to explore all aspects of recruitment in teaching. From preparing to apply for initial teacher training to securing a post as an early career teacher to seeking promotion later on, we offer top tips, personal reflections and guidance on approaching applications and interviews in education. Listen to the podcast.

Reflective discussion prompts

  • How does my experience both in and aside from education strengthen my practice as a professional? 
  • What would I bring to schools and the children I will work with in my new role? 
  • What are my areas for development? How will I demonstrate an awareness and that I am working to address these in applications and interviews?

Further thinking

In this episode, we consider how to weave creative approaches into our curriculum design and the benefits of doing so for learners and teachers alike. Janine Bell and Sam Lovatt bring their expertise as D&T and computing leads respectively to a discussion exploring how to embrace a creative approach in your own practice. Listen to the podcast.

Reflective discussion prompts

  • What does creativity in the curriculum mean to me and how is this enacted in my practice?
  • To what extent does my planning embrace opportunities for creativity and how could I develop this further?
  • What is the impact on learners and their engagement with the curriculum? 

Further thinking

This episode welcomes Dr Amy Strachan, an expert in sustainability and climate education. In this podcast, we discuss the challenges and opportunities presented by climate education alongside some helpful advice and practical tips for embedding this important topic into your curriculum. Listen to the podcast.

Reflective discussion prompts

  • What do I notice about the learners I work with and their levels of eco-anxiety and eco-empowerment?
  • To what extent do learners have the opportunity to develop the attributes of a global citizen and how could I promote these further?
  • What are my feelings about tackling these topics in the classroom and what resources could I use to support me in moving forwards?

Further thinking

Written by the guest

This episode brings with it the theme of wellbeing and workload at what is a busy part of the school year for many! The team reflect on their own experiences in school as the autumn term draws to a close and the magic of celebrating the season with your class. We talk to our wellbeing expert, Jenny Murray, to gain a deeper insight into the topic and get some top tips for protecting your own wellbeing at busy times of year.  Listen to the podcast.

Reflective discussion prompts

  • What impact does workload have on my wellbeing and, in turn, my teaching practice?
  • To what extent do I employ a range of strategies to manage this and maintain balance in my professional life? 
  • What will I take away from this discussion to support me in managing my workload and promoting wellbeing in my practice?

Further thinking

Written by the guest

100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Wellbeing by Jenny Murray

In this minisode, we are focusing on supporting our pupils with English as an additional language. Danny Diaz, Assistant Head for EAL at Hounslow Heath Infant and Nursery School, talks to Mandy Byrne about his experience and provides strategies and guidance for teachers to take into their classroom. Listen to the podcast.

Reflective discussion prompts

  • How do I support learners with EAL in my setting and what is the impact of this? 
  • What barriers remain for these learners and what strategies could be implemented to overcome them? 
  • What could I introduce to promote and celebrate the use of languages in my classroom? 
  • To what extent do children with EAL experience belonging in my setting and how could this be futher enhanced?

Further thinking

In this episode, we consider starting a new academic year, reflecting on our own experiences and offering our thoughts on how to make the best start with your new classes. We also speak with a SENDCo to discuss how class teachers can support all individuals to have a great experience in their new classroom.  Listen to the podcast.

Reflective discussion prompts

  • What is my experience of starting a new academic year, especially when this involves change?
  • To what extent do the systems I establish promote a successful start to the new academic year?
  • How do I ensure that I know all learners well and feel confident in meeting their individual needs?
  • What could I learn from others in my setting to further develop this aspect of my practice? 

Further thinking